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Our Archives

SAVVY Theatre has created such a vast array of  shows  and special projects, that choosing which ones to highlight is very tricky, however hopefully our  archives  below will provide some insight into just some of the amazing work we have made over the years, with some pretty amazing people!


Wandle Valley

SAVVY first started working with Wandle Valley as part of the Carew Manor Project in 2010, and for the next 11 years provided pupils at the school with weekly drama workshops, work experience opportunities, and the chance to get their Bronze & Silver Arts Award qualifications. The school provided a storage home to our vast array of props and costumes, and every year SAVVY produced the annual school pantomime, bringing pupils and staff onstage to perform together.


Despite our official partnership with the school ending in December 2020, Wandle Valley will always be one of our strongest partners, with staff and pupils holding a special place in our SAVVY family.

SAVVY Year by Year 

Click the  images  below for more detailed information on each year.



Pinocchio Stepping Stones Project | The Spy Project | The Battle of Redcanyon Slings | London Borough of Culture | Sketchbook Season


The Real Housewives of Grimm County | The Boy Who Went Forth to Learn what Shivering Is | The Comedy of Errors | Twelfth Night | A Midsummer Night's Dream | Taming of the Shrew: Drag Show | A Christmas Carol



Jack & the Beanstalk: A Steampunk Panto | The Wrong Village | A Giant Adventure | A Season of Grimmly Tales | The Mixed Bean Season | Theatre Centre's ImagiNation Plays | The Seance


The Sketchbook Season | The Grandfathers | Studio Launch | Treasure Island | A Midsummer Night's Dream | Lost In Space | Alice's Mad Boat Party | Robin Hood: MIA



The Spy Project | The Musicians | The Hidden Disabilities Project | A Pirate Panto | As You Like It | A Night of Arabian Tales


Alice's Mad Tea Party | A Rubbish Lunch Break | The Keepsake Project | 500 Miles | Hospital Food | Romeo & Juliet


2013 and prior

The Snow Queen | Brillig & the River World | Coke Floats & Chemo | The Girl on the Platform | The Carew Manor Project | The Giant Puppet Project | Second From Last In The Sack Race

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