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Another Day of Dress-Ups


Arriving at Sutton MENCAP with five extremely large bags of pirate costumes, I knew it was going to be a great day.

I’d recruited users of MENCAP’s day service to be my costume assistants and, along with our Costume and Props Designer, had planned a fun and productive session of pirate dress up and design.

Members of the group were asked to pick a character from our upcoming annual Christmas show, A Pirate Panto, and then enjoyed designing and picking a costume to suit this character. From Tuna Toes to Cap’n Blackbeard – each member learnt about their chosen characters traits and personalities to help them in deciding the best items and props.

It was so much fun!!! And so enjoyable to watch the group be creative and imaginative in each costume design. They all tried their costume on and had fun playing and being their character too – interacting with one another and posing for photos.

What they enjoyed most was knowing that their costume was going to be worn by the actors and therefore come show day, they’d get to see their costume in ‘action’ on stage.

An interactive, inclusive and fun workshop with lots of laughs – as well as teaching the group about costume design and bringing them on board A Pirate Panto as our costume assistants! A ‘savvy’ day!


Our wonderful designers.

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