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Shows Special Projects

At SAVVY, we believed that everyone irrespective of their ability or circumstance should have access to high quality theatre experiences. Our productions were always joyous,  engaging  and memorable.

From dystopian steampunk pantomimes, to promenade performances of Shakespeare and boat trips up the River Thames, SAVVY had a rich history of creating ambitious and unique theatre productions. Click the  images  below for more detail on our some of our past shows and special projects.

Partners PastPresent

SAVVY had a long history of working with amazing people. Here's just some of the artists and companies we worked, trained and collaborated with over the years.

Story Museum, Oxford

Hijinx Theatre, Cardiff

Face Front Theatre 

Output Arts

International Inclusive Arts Network

Theatre Centre

Frantic Assembly

International Youth Arts Festival, Kingston

Roman Stefanski, Puppeteer & Associate at Polka Theatre

Chichester Festival Youth Theatre

Dan Ward, playwright The Canary & the Crow

Tim Kelly, animator & lighting designer

Russell Dean, Strangeface Theatre

Rc-Annie, Fight Directors

The Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury

Oasis Academy Ryland's

Riddlesdown Collegiate

Croydon & Coulsdon College

Crisis Skylight, Croydon

Mind & Southleigh (InMind), Croydon

Wandle Valley Academy

Croydon Music & Arts

St.Nicholas School

Sutton & Croydon Mencap

Orchard Hill Academy

Honeywood Museum

Sutton & Croydon Council

Sutton & District Training

Beckmead Academy

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