So You Want to Be an Actor
A half-term intensive for teenagers who are interested in pursuing a career in acting.
Over the years, SAVVY has brought leading industry professionals into our rehearsals to work with our weekly youth drama groups and provide training in all aspects of performance. And yet, the question we are most asked by the young people we work with at SAVVY is 'how to I become an actor'?
So in response we launched our biennial week-long intensive to discover all about the practical side of the industry. The nuts & bolts. The reality vs the perception of what pursuing a career in acting is all about.
The half-term intensive takes place every two years during the May half-term, from 10am - 4pm at our SAVVY Studio, Fairfield Halls in Croydon.
During the programme participants will:
work with a professional director to prepare an audition piece
have your acting headshots done and learn how to prepare a CV
undertake workshops in voice, movement and different performance styles
create a short performance and take part in a final sharing of work
understand the different working environments of film, tv & theatre
discuss showreels, self-taping and social media do’s and don’ts
How much does it cost?
The intensive costs £150 which is due before the first day, and can be paid in two instalments. ​
PLEASE NOTE: We do not want financial pressures to stop anyone from attending and want to remove any stigma or guilt attached to not being able to pay fees. SAVVY can offer financial assistance for anyone wanting to take part.
Want to apply?
Our next intensive will be in May 2023. Details on how to sign up coming soon.
Places are limited and allocated on a first-come-first served basis. Pease keep an eye on our website and social media for details on when we will be accepting applications.
You can also get in touch to see if we have space in our weekly young company.